20 Ring Collection Set Limited Time Offer ! (Comes with Display tray and 3 Pieces of different crystal specimens. Beautiful collection for Crystal and Gemstone Lovers. Free Shipping !!
Available in Size 6, 7, 8, 9 (Please e mail for spacial order for ring sizes)
1st row Amethyst, Malachite, Labradorite, Rose Quartz, Blue Lace Agate, Black Onyx.
2nd and 3rd row row Garnet, Amethyest, Peridot, Labraodarite, Moonstone.
4th, 5th ,6th row Aquamarine, Dioptase, Lapis Lazuli, Amethyest, Herikemer Diamond, Chalcedoney, Amethyest, Black Tourmaline. Citine.
Some of the rough stone cut maybe diffrent size
20 Gemstone Ring Collection